
Identifying The Right Funeral Home When Pre-Planning Your Funeral


As you create your funeral pre-plan, you'll want to find a funeral home (such as that will fulfill your needs and be supportive of your family after you have passed away. Funeral homes offer a variety of services, so you'll want to identify those most helpful to your family. Here are a few ways to make sure that you and your family will be working with the right funeral home.

30 March 2016

After Cremation: Deciding Where To Spread The Ashes


Every family manages the loss of a loved one in their own way. Some choose to have a burial and visit the grave on special occasions. Others prefer the idea of cremation but are not necessarily certain what to do with the ashes. There are a number of ways to dispose of ashes today. There are companies that will turn them into diamonds, add them to tattoo ink or mix them with fireworks and have them blasted into the sky.

28 March 2016

Important Information You Should Gather For Your Family Before You Pass Away


Although facing your own mortality can be challenging and emotional, it is an inevitability. Coming to terms with this is important. Doing so in time to pre-plan your funeral and gather the necessary information for your loved ones can make a big difference in their grieving process. Here are some of the things that you should keep on hand in a folder for your family members in case of your death.

11 February 2016

2 Ways That A Funeral Home Can Make Planning A Funeral Easier On You


One of the most difficult things that you can do is try to arrange a funeral, burial, and complete all of the necessary paperwork and details while you are attempting to grieve for a lost loved one. However, a funeral home can step and help take a lot of the burden off of your shoulders so that you can simply focus on grieving and comforting your family. Listed below are two ways in which a funeral home can assist you.

4 February 2016

Five Ways To Remember A Loved One Who Has Chosen Cremation


Traditional burial methods for deceased loved ones make it easy to revisit their memory by physically visiting a grave site, but what can you do when your loved one has chosen cremation? According to the Nation Funeral Directors Association, an estimated 71 percent of all Americans will choose cremation for their after-death care by 2030, meaning this is a question that will need to be answered more and more often as burial preferences slowly transition to cremation.

27 January 2016

Choosing The Right Cemetery When Pre-Planning Your Funeral


A key part of your funeral pre-planning is selecting the cemetery in which you want to be laid to rest. You have several choices and you should be comfortable that it will fulfill both your needs and your family's needs. Here is what to look for when searching for your final resting place. Cemetery Types Cemeteries can be owned by a number of entities including: private individuals funeral homes corporations religious organizations not-for-profit groups The funeral home you're working with will have a list of cemeteries to choose from.

12 January 2016

Don't Make These Three Etiquette Mistakes During Your Next Funeral Home Visit


Even if you have the best of intentions, it can be easy to inadvertently make an etiquette miscue due to being unsure of how to act or even because you were stressed and did not understand your actions. Practicing good funeral etiquette is an important way to support the family in need and can also subtly remind those around you of the proper manner in which to act. Here are three etiquette mistakes to avoid making during your next funeral home visit.

25 December 2015

Taking A Closer Look At Crowdfunding Unexpected Funeral Expenses


Paying for funeral expenses may be a necessary part of life, but that does not mean that everyone has a savings that they have dedicated to end-of-life expenses just in case someone they love passes away. In fact, many people find that when someone unexpectedly passes, they are at a loss and have no way to come up with as much as $7,000 or more on their own to pay for a funeral.

26 August 2015

Tell The Story Of Someone's Life With A Thoughtful Memorial Table


When you're helping to plan a memorial service or other funeral-related event, one of the important projects to complete is putting together a memorial table. This memorial service mainstay helps to paint a picture of the life of the person who has passed away and is often a place where people gather during the event. Because memorial services often don't follow a formal structure, there's no "right" way to put together a memorial table.

17 August 2015

3 Considerations When Planning A Funeral


Losing someone you love can be difficult. The whirlwind of emotions you are going through cannot be put into words. Your mind is going a million places at once trying to put everything into perspective and come to grips with the reality of the situation. One of the main elements of planning a funeral for your loved one is having to choose a funeral home. While this might seem like a daunting task with so many options out there, you can narrow down your choices by following these simple tips below.

3 August 2015