Decisions You Will Need to Make When Planning a Funeral

After my father passed away suddenly, my mother, siblings and I all struggled with planning his funeral. We were already in a state of shock and sorrow, and then we were overwhelmed with the options and decisions we had to make in regards to the funeral. Luckily for us, we worked with an amazing funeral home and funeral director who helped guide us through the process. I know how hard it is to plan a funeral and how many decisions need to be made. This website was created in order to give families preparing to lay a loved one to rest a guide of sorts that will help them determine what decisions will need to be made and information about those decisions. I extend my sympathies to you if you are in this position and hope my website helps to make things a little bit easier for you.

Important Information You Should Gather For Your Family Before You Pass Away


Although facing your own mortality can be challenging and emotional, it is an inevitability. Coming to terms with this is important. Doing so in time to pre-plan your funeral and gather the necessary information for your loved ones can make a big difference in their grieving process. Here are some of the things that you should keep on hand in a folder for your family members in case of your death.

Gather Your Vital Records

One of the first things that you should do is create a folder that contains all of your vital records. For example, your birth certificate will include some vital information that they'll need to supply to your life insurance company and for any death investigation that must be conducted. A copy of your Social Security card is also important, because your Social Security number may be required for some things.

You'll also want to include your marriage license, will and any insurance records, such as your policy declarations and the details about your beneficiaries and executor. Don't forget to include your auto, home and other insurance information, too. Finally, bank statements, investment accounts, property deeds and any cemetery plot documents should also be put in this folder.

Keep Your Open Account Information Up to Date

Include copies of your most recent statements from your bank, credit card company, investment accounts, credit lines and even your medical bills. Those statements show what's still outstanding so that everyone understands what needs to be addressed. Since your loved ones will  be responsible for settling your estate, they need to understand everything that you have outstanding and all sources of potential income, savings or insurance settlements. In addition, make sure that someone in your family has signing authority on your bank account to ensure that things are handled appropriately. Include documentation of that signing authority with your account information.

Provide Contact Details for Necessary Parties

In the face of grief, many loved ones struggle to find appropriate contact information for employers, coworkers, club or association members and even friends of the family. If there are certain people that you would like notified in the event of your passing, maintain the list with current contact information at all times. This will make it easier for your loved ones to take care of necessary notifications.

Following the tips presented here, you'll be able to create an action package for your loved ones that contains everything that they will need in the event of your death. Talk with your local funeral home about other information that you might want to include to help your family members in the days after your death.


11 February 2016