Decisions You Will Need to Make When Planning a Funeral

After my father passed away suddenly, my mother, siblings and I all struggled with planning his funeral. We were already in a state of shock and sorrow, and then we were overwhelmed with the options and decisions we had to make in regards to the funeral. Luckily for us, we worked with an amazing funeral home and funeral director who helped guide us through the process. I know how hard it is to plan a funeral and how many decisions need to be made. This website was created in order to give families preparing to lay a loved one to rest a guide of sorts that will help them determine what decisions will need to be made and information about those decisions. I extend my sympathies to you if you are in this position and hope my website helps to make things a little bit easier for you.

Planning And Perfecting The Engraving On Your Spouse's Names On Headstones


Spouses often request a burial plot designed to hold two caskets. While only one headstone is necessary for a single plot, the design of the headstone has to reasonably fit both names. Carefully planning out the engraving and design of the headstone ensures names are properly presented and the task is not left to surviving family members during a very stressful time.

Centering the Last Name

In the aftermath of a death, a common, understandable mistake is to engrave the first and last name of the spouse who passes first. In the future, when the surviving partner passes away, it becomes evident there is not enough room for a second full name. Engraving different sized lettering is a possibility although the end result might look very awkward. 

Prominently centering the last name at the upper-third of the headstone allows for much more usable remaining space. In addition to presenting the first names, the space could serve as a canvas to present art and design work intended to better memorialize the departed. 

Presenting the First Names

Blandly engraving the first names underneath the last name does identify who rests beneath the headstone, but does nothing to really honor anyone's memory. Since the surname is prominently featured thanks to very large carved lettering, an opportunity is opened to craft a more personal presentation of the first names. Additionally, the design could help contribute symmetry to the design if one spouse's first name is longer than the other's.

If the partners were known for a love of gardening, the borders of the headstone be made of vines and leaves and two trees could rise out from the base. Inside the top of the trees, the first names may be engraved. How many branches or leaves either tree possesses in relation to blank space could be determined based on the length of the names.

Planning Out the Design and Construction

Spouses concerned about their age, health, and mortality should meet with funeral professionals to discuss the design of headstones and granite memorial monuments. Crafting the plans for the preferred and best design many years ahead of anyone's passing ensures the proper artistry and aesthetics are achieved.  

Once the preferred look is arrived at on paper, requesting the headstone be produced and placed on a pre-purchased bural plot is advisable. This way, surviving family members do not have to take any extra steps other than request the engraving of the name be performed. Talk to experts like Genesis Granite for more information.


18 March 2015